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The Team


Craig Olliffe

Senior Minister

Craig loves a good coffee, walks around the park, watching sport and enjoying God's amazing creation. He came to know Christ as in primary school, and loves to think about what word looks like in our lives today.

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Chris Ollerton

Associate Minister: Youth and Serve

Chris oversees the Youth Ministry, our Serve ministries and is instrumental at 6pm. Chris likes board games, books, and movies. Chris became a Christian as a child, and has a passion for sharing the good news with youth.


Ben Pantlin

Associate Minister: Connect

Ben works 3.5 days a week as a preschool chaplain, and is with us at church on a 1 day per week basis, looking after our Connect ministries. Ben's loves include coffee and basketball.

Lynne Tait

Pastoral Assistant

A long time Oatley resident, Lynne is keen to see people transformed and find healing as they hear God’s word. Lynne has a wide range of talents, and is always on the lookout for someone to pray with.

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